Manifestation Basics

Manifestation Basics

According to the dictionary, the word ‘Manifest’ literally means to appear. Over the last decade or so, Manifestation has become an increasingly popular topic. But what is manifestation really? Does it happen overnight? Is it difficult? Can anyone ‘do’ it? How does it work?

These are only a few of the questions that arise when the word manifestation is mentioned. We’re here to answer these questions and help you understand that yes, anyone can truly manifest the life they desire!  

What is manifestation, really?

Manifestation is, essentially, the process of attracting something you want to feel or experience, through your thoughts, beliefs, actions and emotions. It is the idea that thoughts become things.

Does it happen overnight?

We won’t say no, though, this hasn’t been the case for us (yet). What we will say is that learning how to manifest and all that it entails is a truly exciting journey of self-exploration and growth. It is life-changing in the best way possible. Why? Because you learn that you hold the power and that life truly is what you make it.

Mastering manifestation is a journey back to yourself – it’s a journey of mindfulness, gratitude, releasing resistance and limiting beliefs, energetic shifts and surrender.

Is it difficult? Can anyone ‘do’ it? How does it work?

First things first, Yes, anyone can manifest the life they desire!

Is it difficult? The short answer, no. But that will depend on your mindset, which a lot of people seem to bypass – but this is what manifestation is all about – your mindset!

Queue: My Positive Mind. A journal created to shift your mindset and help you rediscover the power that has been within you all along. The power to manifest the life you desire, by rediscovering yourself, practicing gratitude, eliminating resistance, shifting your energy/vibration and learning how to truly surrender.

How does it work?

The first step to manifesting is your mindset.

It’s why we exist as a company and why we created ‘My Positive Mind’. We are all limitless beings with unlimited potential, but somehow, we’ve been programmed to believe the opposite. Seeds of scarcity, lack and limitation have been planted into our subconscious minds since birth and therefore we manifest these outcomes rather than the opposite. And the opposite is our true nature: abundance.

Reprogramming your mind is an exciting journey that helps you discover your true self and teaches you how to manifest along the way.

As previously mentioned, manifestation is the process of bringing something tangible into your life through your thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts and feelings make up your vibration and direct your actions.

Manifestation works with two laws, The Law of Attraction and The Law of Vibration.

In order to understand these laws, we must first understand that everything is made up of energy. The entire universe and everything in it, including you and I, are made up of energy. Every organ, tissue and gland in our body is made up of cells, which are made up of atoms which are made up of energy. We’ll dive further into this in another post, but for now, it is important to know that everything is made of energy.

Many of you have probably heard of ‘The Law of Attraction’, which focuses on your thoughts and feelings to attract what you want into your life. However, most people believe that the Law of Attraction is about saying what you want to happen and believing it until it happens. While that is partially true, The Law of Attraction comes down to energy and there is a law that comes before this –  that is  The Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that nothing rests/everything moves. This movement is what we refer to as vibration. The speed at which something vibrates at is known as its frequency. The difference between one object and another is the rate of its vibration, or its frequency. According to the laws of energy and the Law of Vibration, objects we perceive as ‘static’ are also moving, like chairs and tables, for example. But these objects vibrate at an extremely slow speed/low frequency, which is why we perceive them as static.

Your thoughts, like everything else in the universe, are energy and they too vibrate at different frequencies depending on the thought. Your thoughts lead to your feelings and the combination of the two control the vibration of your body. Similarly, all of the things we want are also made of energy, constantly vibrating at a specific frequency.

The Law of Attraction focuses on ‘like attracts like’. Attraction itself is force acting mutually between particles of matter (energy) to draw them together and to resist their separation.

Therefore, your feelings, which dictate your body’s vibration, attract people and things to you that are a vibrational match (because like attracts like).

So, in line with these laws, the things you want can either move towards you or away from you.

This is where mindset comes in. If you are constantly worrying about what you want or doubting the fruition of what you want – the Law of Vibration says these things will move away from you – because you are not in harmonious vibration with them. However, if you have a vivid positive image in your mind of what you want and you feel confident that it is already yours, it will be!

The Law of Attraction can only bring you what you match with. If you are constantly afraid, anxious or stressed, you cannot attract joy, love and abundance. You’re not an energetic match.

The great news is, you have a choice, you can choose your thoughts!

You may be thinking you choose your thoughts daily, but the truth is, most people don't choose their thoughts. They let their senses and outer circumstances dictate their thoughts and feelings. As a result, they live in a cycle of the same circumstances because they are vibrating at the same frequency. When you learn how to choose your thoughts, you can choose your vibration and therefore attract anything – because everything is vibrating and once you match the frequency of what you want – the law of attraction will bring it to you.

Achieving this state of mind and ultimately, this level of frequency is a truly remarkable journey. It’s a journey of self-exploration, self-empowerment, strength and surrender.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the process:

  1. Set your intention. What do you want to manifest? What is the goal(s)?
  2. Ask for your intention. Write it down. Be very clear, the more details the better. Create a vision board if you’d like! If you’ve been on IG or Tiktok, you may be familiar with the 369 method, in which you write down what you want three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon and nine times at night. We’ve linked one of our favorite 369 journals for manifesting, which also includes more info on Nikola Tesla’s method!
  3. Start working towards your goals. We call this inspired action. The work begins with the mind. In order to manifest we need to be mindful and grateful for what we have and what we will receive. We need to eliminate any resistance or limiting beliefs in order to open the way for our manifestation. We need to shift our energy, by shifting our mindset, thoughts, feelings and ultimately, our vibration. This is where My Positive Mind comes in – the one stop journal that will guide you on this journey to all of your desires!
  4. Release your manifestation knowing that it is already done. You’ve put in the work, you’ve shifted your energy and you are now a perfect vibrational match. Surrender and allow God/the Universe to do the rest.
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