Letting Go | Knowing Your Manifestation is Already Yours

Letting Go | Knowing Your Manifestation is Already Yours

Here’s the paradox of it all – the thing that you are trying to manifest is in itself a state of being or a feeling.

Manifestation is all about the journey. It’s about cultivating that feeling now – the feeling you would feel once the thing you’re trying to manifest becomes reality. It’s about being that person now; the person you believe you’re going to be once you have the manifestation. This is how you become a vibrational match – by maintaining the vibrational frequency throughout the process – so that it becomes your “habitual vibration”.

Your “habitual vibration” is the vibration you are in most frequently, therefore, it’s the frequency you’re attracting.

For example, if your energy is constantly “I am so frustrated this hasn’t happened yet.” You are going to continue to attract situations that cause frustration and the thing you want will continue to move away from you, because you are vibrating at a different frequency.

On the other hand, if you’ve done the work and shift your energy to “I am excited, open and ready for this opportunity and all others that come my way.” You will not only attract what it is you want, but likely even more than you ever imagined.

How do we create this shift? My Positive Mind (it’s the reason we made it).

Once you receive your manifestation, it will become your new normal and there will likely be something else you’re ready to manifest. This is the way life works.

The key is not to attach yourself to the manifestation or the outcome of the manifestation.

Instead you must cultivate the feelings now, before the manifestation occurs. That way, you’re a vibrational match and it is normal for you to receive exactly what you asked for, because your state of being is already there, and so, it is already yours.

So, why must we surrender?

When we let go of the attachment to the thing we are trying to manifest, we give it to God/the Universe (whatever higher power we believe in). By letting go, we are trusting in its completeness, knowing that it is already done. When we are in the energy of “it’s already done” we are not worried, but instead we are happy and excited. It’s like ordering something online – we know it’s coming, so we’re not worried about it coming. The difference here is we don’t know when it’s coming, but regardless we need to remember that it is coming. When and How it arrives is not for us to worry about. All we need to focus on is the fact that it is coming.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “Well I’ve been manifesting this for such and such time and it still hasn’t happened yet” then you’re assuming it hasn’t happened. Therefore, you’re in the frequency of it hasn’t happened. Since like attracts like, you’re attracting the frequency of it hasn’t happened/won’t happen.

This is why letting go is so important. Letting go means you believe it is done. The belief of completeness is what leads to manifestation. It’s complete faith in its fulfillment and therefore you are vibrating at the frequency of its fulfillment!

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