Gratitude: The Pathway To Manifesting the life of your dreams

Gratitude: The Pathway To Manifesting the life of your dreams

The truth is your entire life up until this point has been manifested by you. Whether you like it or not, you've created the life you are currently living, and you will continue to attract more of the same circumstances/results, until you take responsibility for how you ended up here. Now, my goal is not to blame you for the difficult situation you may find yourself in at this moment, or for any of the suffering you've been through, but instead to show you that you hold more power than you think you do. Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs (especially those you aren't even aware of) have brought you to where you are today. It's the Law of Attraction - your thoughts, feelings and beliefs combined create your vibration, which is sent out into the Universe attracting the same vibration - those vibrations shape the life you are living.  
Here's the good news: Once you understand that this is how the Universe works, you have the power to change your entire life! AND there's a very specific and powerful tool that will not only change your life for the better but will also help you manifest the life of your dreams, Gratitude.
Gratitude is the key to raising your vibration! It automatically takes your focus off of what you lack and redirects it towards what you do have, gently nudging you into the world of abundance. By focusing on what you do have, and giving thanks for it, you are signaling to the Universe that you are an energetic match to receive more to be grateful for. After all, to receive, you must give, and gratitude is the act of giving thanks.
The positive emotions that result from giving thanks will automatically raise your frequency. In fact, expressing gratitude opens your heart and connects you to the energy of love and abundance, the highest frequencies. Maintaining an 'attitude of gratitude' will keep you in this higher vibrational state, because it changes your frequency from one of 'hoping' for something to the feeling of 'it is already done' as expressed when giving thanks. The feeling of 'it is already done' is the key to manifesting! 
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