Be Here | Be Present

Be Here | Be Present

Living in the present moment means paying attention to what is happening now rather than worrying about the past or future. It's common to get stuck thinking about past mistakes or worrying about what might happen next, but it's important to catch yourself when this happens. This is because when we do this, we are actually bringing those old feelings or future worries into our current situation, and it's like we're living in the past all over again or living in fear of a future that hasn't happened yet. To simply put it, when we are constantly dwelling on past issues or future fears, we are missing out on enjoying what’s happening right now here in the present moment. 
Sometimes, it's not easy to stop our minds from drifting to the past or future. Our thoughts might be filled with "what if" questions and dreams about what's coming next, making us forget to appreciate and live in the current moment. Life can feel a bit better when we pause, take a breath, and really focus on and be thankful for what we have at this very moment. By doing so, we give ourselves the chance to fully experience and enjoy what’s happening right now.
Choosing to live in the now doesn't mean we ignore our past or future, but it does mean we don’t let them take over our thoughts. We can find peace when we focus on the current moment and appreciate it for what it is. By being thankful and enjoying what we have right now, life becomes a little richer and more enjoyable. This way, we create a life that is more satisfying, and full of moments that we’re actually present for.
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